National Groomer Association of Canada



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting



The AnnualGeneral Meeting of the Members of the National Groomer Association of Canadawas held on Monday, November 30, 2020via zoom.


1.      Call toOrder:


Themeeting was called to order at 6:00pm November 30,2020 via Zoom


In attendance is Lesley Weeks / Eggie Feng/ Danielle Grima



2.   Call For Quorum


The required quorum has been achieved with the meeting;


3(three) voting members in attendance:

Lesley Weeks

Eggie Feng

Danielle Grima


4(four) voting members assignedtheir proxy to the Director of the National Groomer Association of Canada:

Faye Caswell

Colleen Zuber

Sarah Evink    

Christine Weselink      





The Affidavit was served and received on November 30,2020.


3.    Acceptance of2019 AGM Minutes:

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting were emailed and published on, to all members for theirreview.

On a motion by Eggie Feng, seconded by Lesley Weeks to accept last year’s AGM minutes.

The motion was carried.


4.   Vice President’s messages to members



Hello members,

Welcomeeveryone to the 8th AGM of the National Groomer Association of Canada also known as NGAC…brought to you by Zoom!


Thisis unusual, in a year, that to say the least, has been highly unusual. The organization began the year with an Exemplary Standing from our accreditation exercise, andin recent months, your COVID-19 response has demonstrated just how exemplary you all are, each and every day.


Iwould like to first thank all of the Directors and Executives and volunteers for the exceptional work that they do that results in the very best groomingassociation with the highest level of dedicated services to the members ofNGAC. Each year there are an incredible number of hours contributed by approximately15 volunteers. Recently, that was cut short by COVID. However, the volunteerswere able to make significant contributions through the year. And while theAssociation greatly miss those volunteers and their valuable contributions, Iunderstand that the volunteers themselves miss being here, each other’scamaraderie, and the care and services they were able to offer. Hopefully wecan all be reunited soon. 

To our members that had anything to do with the NGAC, and the Foundation, thankyou all so very much for stepping up during this crisis. While some of us were able to hunker down and work from home, you were not. You donned whatever PPEwas required, took extraordinary precautions, and you demonstrated professionalism and dedication to the pet grooming industry that is second tonone.  I thank you.


In June of this year as we moved into our 9th year Eda Arafat resignedas President of our Association.  It goeswithout saying that Eda stepped up to the plate to help establish ourAssociation many years ago, offering both her time and her staffs time toaccomplish all of the tasks that went with the job.  We will always remember her efforts.  With that said, Eggie Feng stepped into theposition and volunteered her time to take over the position Interim President.  Eggie had a huge task ahead of her to moveand organize all the files from the past 8 years.  Luckily for us her knowledge of commuters andher very strong feeling of making our Association the best it could be, sheaccomplished the task with ease.  It wasnot without it’s challenges as we discovered that a few major items had beenneglected while Eda was out of the country during the last of her term and hadassigned duties that were overlooked, like the unexpected expense of ourWebsite that had not been paid monthly during the last five years and theaccounting records that had gotten away from truly showing what was outstandingand the loss of membership due to no one handling the day to day events,questions and requirements to make our Association the best it could be.  All of us were surprised by the findings asthey unfolded.  However, all has beenmade right and we are stronger than ever today.

Finally, Eggie Feng, I can safely speak on behalf of all the members when I say that we are so very fortunate to have you and your knowledge, professionalism,dedication, and leadership. You support all of us so efficiently, as well as your dedicated efforts in the Grooming community, and beyond. You had a vision,Better Together: one goal; increase awareness of the NGAC and support themembers! You have led us toward that vision, and we have been realizing manybenefits for some time. Thank you for everything you do, and for supporting meas we are working towards improving our Industry and supporting all of ourmembers during these trying times.


Alsomany thanks to Colleen Zuber who works so hard on our Multi Media.  What would we do without you Colleen.  You take the time to keep us updated and share with our members the joys we all have grooming our clients animals.  Thank you.


As we move through these months of the Pandemic and work with various organization and Government I am often asked what makes a great leaderwho will bring about change?

Great leaders are NOT those interested in the title or the corner office. 

We know who they are, but that’s not who we are. 

Great leaders are about the work.  Great leaders dream.   They dare to inspire.   Dare tochallenge.   Dare to have difficult conversations.   Dareto take risks . . . 

That is an apt description for what we do at the NGAC and those qualities have been particularly important at this moment.

Nine months ago, all of our lives, indeed our way of life, changed dramatically.  

In the Canada  more than260,988 people have become infected with COVID-19 and more than

10,505 have died as of November 8th, 2020  The figures keep growing and it appears the virus is hitting the younger people as I write this speak.

I want us to pause on that just a moment because these are people with families and loved ones who are grieving them, and they deserve a momentof pause.

Our country—indeed our world—is being challenged as never before.  Challenged by a novel virus for which there is not yet a specifictreatment or vaccine.  Physicians are challenged by a lack of resources and PPE.  Challenged by a political climate that is highly polarized;challenged by the rampant spread of misinformation anddisinformation.  

In September, I gave a speech via zoom about groomers matching themoment and continuing to earn public confidence in an era of mistrust.  I spoke about how clients trust us, their physicians givers even though they’velost trust in other institutions and professions.  

I spoke about competency, truth-telling, compassion and purpose . .. the elements of trust. . . noting that in this era of distrust, the NGAC is just what the doctor ordered.

Little did any of us realize at the time how dramatically we would be put to the test.  But “match the moment” we have.   

Groomers are working long hours in their salons and kennels;greeting clients outside come rain or shine and soon to be cold and snowy so they do, their staff and of course their two legged clients.  Sanitation of our salons takes us more time,organizing the day so fewer clients are in contact with one another has reducedour incomes as we deal with the pressures of Covid-19.  Not to mention the many months we were unable to work due to Government Shutdown and the financial stress it put on all ofus.

On an organizational level, our National Groomers Association haspressured our Government both Provincially an Federally and the administratio nto accelerate need recognize us as a Profession and make mandatory requirementsfor Salons to pass health regulations for their staff and clients.

We have lobbied for regulatory changes to facilitate this; and fought for financial support for small and independent practices.

We have fought for freedom of speech so groomers can raise concerns about the lack of resources without fear of retribution or punishment.

We have used our national platform to call on leaders to focus onscience and evidence in all decision-making.  Our exposure is no different than that of Nail Salons, Hair Salons or any personal serviceindustry.

And it is those acts of competence, truth-telling, compassion, and purpose that will ultimately lead us through this pandemic and bring about thenecessary changes that must occur in our industry.


Lesley Weeks

Vice President NGAC


6.    Approval of the Accountant’s Report

The Financial statement of  year ended May 31,2020 were emailed to all members for their review.


On a motion by Lesley Weeks, seconded by Danielle Grima to approve the unaudited financial statements for the fiscalyear ended May 31, 2020 as presented,                

The motion was carried.




Lesley Weeks then called for a motion and second by Eggie Feng toapprove Gunesh Siva GAAP (1023 Markham Rd Toronto On Canada647-929-6358/647-347-2959) as the Accountant.




The motion was carried.


8.    Election of new directors and appointing officers

Eggie Feng was the only candidate  nominated as the director and as such filled the position as there was no opposition.


Lesley Weeks called for a motion and second by Danielle Grima to elect Eggie Feng as   director.


The motion was carried.


Eggie Feng then was appointed by thedirectors as the president of NGAC Preceded by Eda Arfat.



9.     New Business:


There is strong demand throughout Canada for bather training, NGAC is asking it’s member salon to  start offer bathing program to provide handson experience in different location .


Incentives to existing member bringing in new members, the board will take this suggestion and try to work it into afact this year.


10.   Termination:

The business of the meeting having been completed.


On a motion by Eggie Feng, seconded by Lesley Weeks, it was resolved at 7:00 p.m. to terminate the 2020 AnnualGeneral Meeting of the Members of the National Groomers Association of Canada.  


The motion was carried.